Picture Perfection

Meet coast artist David Edmond
Carol Burns, Coast Magazine, May 1, 2024
Artist David Edmond perfectly captures beach life in his latest series of works. He tells CAROL BURNS how the Kent coastline has inspired him.
The coastline seems a natural place for artists. The light, the changing weather, the endless possibilities of seascapes and landscapes, not to mention the contrast between busy bustling beaches and a quiet contemplative expanse of empty sand.
But ironically, the beach can offer little visual inspiration for artists. It can lack landmarks, and colours are often limited to the blues and grey of the sea and sky, and the yellow ochre of golden sands. Under the paintbrush of a lesser artist, beachscapes can be unfocused and underwhelming.
But artist David Edmond has taken up the challenge. The beach has become the latest vista to capture his artistic eye with the result of a series of stunning beachscapes that capture the pure joy of beach life in all its many forms.
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