Heirlooms of the Future - Katharine Swailes

Dominque Corlett speaks to tapestry weaver about finding inspiration in the colours of nature and breaking free from unicorns.
Dominique Corlette, Homes and Antiques, August 1, 2024

Dominque Corlett speaks to tapestry weaver about finding inspiration in the colours of nature and breaking free from unicorns.


When weaver Katharine Swailes is ready to start a new tapestry, she heads into the garden with her wool yarn, buckets and dyes. Katharine lives just outside Arundel, West Sussex, with a garden that overlooks

the South Downs, and it is here, surrounded by the colours of nature, that the journey of the work begins.

Light and weather permitting, Katharine will dye at any time of the day and year, working in small batches, creating just enough yarn for her next artwork or two... read on below.

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