Joseph Goody

The geometric forms and compressed kinetic curves of Joseph Goody’s painted works allude to a tension between organic, manual means of representation and the appearance of something machine-like or systematic. Just as the layers of paint, applied with a luxuriant relish for pigment and texture, appear to potentially result from accident or coincidence, the interrelation of large blocks of colour and space seems to point towards some underlying interdependency at work beneath the surface. Goody’s interest in the authenticity of paint as a medium leads him to develop this interplay, whereby the submerged presence of momentum, posture and form are enlisted to allow paint’s emotive characteristics to arise.

Joseph Goody graduated from Goldsmiths, University of London, in 2011 and won the Neville Burston Award for Painting. He later studied at the Prince’s Drawing School (now the Royal Drawing School) where he won The Patrons Club Prize in 2012. 